Call List - 3rd degree
Name Home Phone Work Phone Name Home Phone Work Phone
Tim Stevens 329-2736 . Homer Herink 647-5988 .
Berry Beck 329-2768 217-322-2312 Art Herink 784-3021 .
Gale Parker 329-2507 . Mike Hinds 649-1911 .
Harold McCurdy 784-3585 . Don Little 647-2301 .
Bill Cassidy 758-5275 . Frank Jones Jr. 647-1030 .
Charles Puckett 547-2883 . Terry Seward 647-5720 .
David Cassel 759-4588 800-602-1463 Mark Welch 785-5480 .
Jeff Lasswell 329-2617 338-3497 Jim Sosey 547-5121 .
Fred Haines 784-2706 . Jack Davis 547-2947 .
Christopher Wilson 784-2000 . Ron Thurman 875-3472 .
Sherman Coultas 329-2586 . David Corsaw 293-2041 .
Bill Kelly 254-3353 . Chuck Corsaw 789-0104 .
Roger Kenny 784-2301 . Dennis Leezer 789-4313 785-5018
Jermery Fouts 833-3783 833-2964 Jim Welch 785-2661 785-5222
Tim Eifert 254-3246 217-323-2886 Richard Carlson 217-629-8166 .
Kent Drawve 217-322-3443 217-322-4355 Mike Hinds 649- .
Dean Hertz 217-322-6604 800-475-5645 ex 602 Randy Vawter 647- .
Carson Kiltz 217-322-4270 . Allen L. Johnson 647-8128 .
Ralph Matheny 329-2043 329-2310 Jeremy Ruck 647- .
Max Shutter 783-8861 . Richard E. Whited 776-4616 .
Cecil Wright 784-4321 . Russell Lawson 217-743-6244 .
Jim Shrum 778-2506 . Scott Busby 217- .
Clarence Hedges 647-4724 . Carol  Parker 329-2012 .
Bob Turner 217- . Dan Phillips 217- .
Harold E. McMullen 836-2630 . . . .

- 1st Section, 3rd Deg - .
Master .
Senior Warden .Richard Carlson
Junior Warden Dean Hertz
Senior Deacon .Kent Drawve
Junior Deacon .Russell Lawson
Senior Steward .Allen L. Johnson
Junior Steward .Terry Seward
Chaplain .Randy Vawter
Marshal .Scott Busby
Tiler .Bill Kelly
-- Second Section -- .
King Solomon .Daivd Corsaw
Senior Deacon .Kent Drawve
Jubela,   1st .Jeff Lasswell
Jubelo,   2th .Bob Turner
Jubelum,  3rd .Cecil Wright
Sea Captain .Allen L. Johnson
Wayfaring Man .Dan Phillips
Grand Secretary .Tim Eifert
Hiram, King of Tyre .Homer Herink
1st Fellowcraft .Ron Thurman
2th Fellowcraft .Don Little
3rd Fellowcraft James O Shurm
4th Fellowcraft .Richard Carlson
5th Fellowcraft .
6th Fellowcraft .
7th Fellowcraft .Terry Seward
8th Fellowcraft .
9th Fellowcraft .
10th Fellowcraft .
11th Fellowcraft .
12th Fellowcraft .
Historical Lecture James O Shrum
Charge to Candidate .Dean Hertz
Secretary .
Charge to the Lodge Bob Turner